Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nut Farm was calling

We made our 3rd annual trek to Bates Nut Farm in search of pumpkins, mazes, hay rides and general mayhem. Grandma and I hit the farm and let the kids off leash. Unlike last year we didn't have Izzy sporting a Chap Stick do or either kid running fevers. We rode horses, found 4 pumpkins that we later gutted and Izzy and Max ate most of the innards. Our little tradition is a lot of fun but each year gets hotter! This year the kids called them "Kunkins". As we were leaving we spied a Fire Truck and it was the perfect ending to our great Pumpkin Patch adventure! Oh and the spooky suckers rocked too! Thanks Grandma!


We actually got to Trick or Treat! Isabella was a green fairy and Max was a skunk. They took cutest costumes in each of their age groups at a kid karnival we went to with Grandma. We had a lot of fun! There was a bouncy house that the kids had a great time in. Lots of games they got to play and win prizes. Gaacky is in Mexico on a short term job and Rob was visiting his friend Scott for the weekend. We had a great time and both kids fell asleep on the way home.