Tuesday, April 5, 2011

oy vey what a day

Rob was medevac'd out a week ago and we stayed on island this time. It's been a good week and we have had some added fun. But today, oh today, what a day. It's like the sky opened up and rained down chaos. Today: Washed the dog (ringworm, oh yeah), while the kids played in the mud at the bottom of our highrise, Max threw his binkys in a tree, we recovered the 4 binkys he threw over the balcony earlier, then as I went to throw out the doggy doo, I threw the poop and let go of the stroller. Kids went rolling down 2 stairs to be caught by a mover. I got poop on my shirt while dragging the doggy behind me and lunging after the kids. Got the kids situated to turn and see the ENTIRE Fire station watching me be a really bad mom. Threw Izzy's baby's stroller (in my mind the root of the evil) only to retrieve it a few min later with a guilty slink to the trash can. Once home again, I took off Max's clothes where he ran in the bathroom and pooped in the potty. We did the Happy Potty Dance then narrowly avoided him eating it. Max hangs from the curtains like Tarzan. Izzy pulled out the colors then demanded her scissors (yeah right) while the wet dog is trying to sleep on the couch and I decided that this was a great time to wash the cat. Home phone is ringing (it's Rob!), the cell phone is ringing (his boss) and the fire alarm is going off in our building. Max decided to help me by pulling up a stool. As soon as the cat sees Max approaching, she bites me and pulls everything off the counter,breaking the sponge holder. Max tries to eat the cat shampoo. Get cat down from cabinets and dry her off. Lost her again as she runs away. Aw well, I'd jump too. Max threw his poop diapers from the trashcan on the kitchen floor and jumped on them. Covered in poop, again, I took off his clothes again only to have him pull off his diaper, throw it at me, grab his winky and wave "Hi Mama!" then run away, desitined white butt disappearing down the hallway, toward his bedroom. He peed in closet then jumped out to scare me. Izzy decided to clean the sink using the whole bottle of hand soap. Max tried to crawl in the sink as she is cleaning it, now somehow, she's naked. Get Max dressed again,kicks me in the jaw as i put on his diaper. He is yelling "Lay down!". Yeah, I'd like to. I get a binky for him. No easy feat since he threw them at the cat and some landed on the psycho neighbors' balcony. He runs and hides behind his basketball hoop and yells "hi mama" as he attempts to eat the net. Put them both down after a book about how much I love them. As I leave his room He says "Love you Mama, meow" over and over.

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